Deployment instructions for AWS Lambda


  • You will need a Github account
  • You will need an AWS account.

Creating the lambda function

  1. Create a function on AWS Lambda and author from scratch. Under choose or create an execution role, choose create a execution role from a policy template with Amazon S3 read only permissions and name your role. Set your runtime to Python 3.7 and choose a name for your function. press Create function
  2. Choose upload a .zip file for your Code entry type
  3. Set your handler to
  4. Add an API Gateway as a trigger. Create a new API and set it to Open. Press add, and then save. This will give you a webhook url to add to your github app.

Create the github app

  1. Under Settings>Developer settings>Github Apps, press the New Github App button.
  2. Give your app a name and enter a homepage url, for example your fork of labelbot.
  3. Under Webhook url enter your API gateway url.
  4. Under Webhook secret (optional), enter a secret token, as described in Githubs documentation.
  5. Under Permissions, add read-only access to Repository contents and add Read and write access to Issues
  6. Under Subscribe to events, subscribe to the Label event.
  7. Under Where can this GitHub App be installed?, set Only on this account
  8. Press the Create Github App
  9. Generate a private key and save it to an S3 bucket that is not publicly accessible.

Set enviroment variables to hold private data in your Lambda function.

  1. APP_ID : Shall be set to the App ID of your github app.
  2. BUCKET_NAME: The name of your S3 bucket.
  3. BUCKET_KEY: the unique identifier of your key file stored in S3.
  4. SECRET_KEY: Shall be the same value as your secret token, that was set to secure the webhook.

After all enviroment variables have been added, save the changes.

Give your lambda function read access to your s3 bucket.

In S3>:your bucket:>Permissions>Bucket Policy give your lambda role the rights to read from your bucket.

Creating and uploading a deployment package

To create a deployment package it is required to build in a linux enviroment with python 3.7 and pip installed, as Lambda runs in a linux enviroment.

Run the script from the repository root, which packages the application iin a zip file, that can be uploaded to AWS to deploy the application. It will create a file called which should be uploaded to your AWS lambda function. Save after uploading the file.

You have now created and deployed your own github app with AWS Lambda

You can now install it on your own account and use it to label issues by pressing the Install App button.